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Baking Courses
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Healthy Cooking
Culinary Classes
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Dessert Classes
[divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”10px”]5 Days Cheesecake
Learn to make Perfect & Professional Cheesecakes at Home. 7+ Tested and Fail-Proof Recipes and 3 Bonus Cheesecakes Recipes.
30 Amazing Salad
Dreassing Workshop
30+ Amazing Salad Dressings, which can be made with Easily Available Ingredients. Also learn how to Mix and Mach the Dressings with Salads for the Best Combination. All the Salad Dressings are explained in Simplest way Possible with all Alternatives and Variations!
Chef Poonam Bindra
Poonam Bindra is an ordinary girl turned into a master home chef. She initially started cooking for her family and when gathered a massive positive response from the family and close relatives, the idea of celebrating her skills came to her mind.
Poonam is very creative and talented home chef and she keeps on experimenting with different ingredients in order to develop a whole new recipe for her family, friends and her beloved followers. She initially started working with Lokmat Times India as a blogger and then accelerated in her field.